How Do I View My Degree Audit Report


Instructions To: View your Degree Audit Report (DARS)


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Go to: Your e-Services Student Account.  
You will need your StarID and password.

  1. Login.

  2. The Dashboard is your student account home page. Be sure to review any Action Items that you have listed.

  3. Select: Academic Records (left Menu) to display drop-down choices in this section (directly below Academic Records).

  4. Select: Degree Audit Report (indented on the left Menu).

  5. Read the information and instructions at the top of the page.

  6. Select Open Degree Audit, Graduation Planner, and Schedule Builder (Minnesota State Student Planner). Select your school.

  7. Choose to Run Declared Programs.

  8. Under the correct ID Line Item, select "View Audit" in the View section.

  9. You have opened the Student Planner Degree Audit. You can view and print a copy of the audit.

  10. Close the Degree Audit window.

  11. Logout.

Audits can only be run once each day, so you cannot view an audit, register for some classes, then go back to the audit to see how the new classes fit in. You would have to check the audit the following day for any changes.

Student Planner defaults to use the catalog in place at the time you first enter a major. If you choose to use a later catalog, you need to let the registration office know so we can correct it in our records.

How to Read your Interactive Degree Audit



Article ID: 114
Fri 6/23/23 4:42 PM
Thu 12/26/24 2:45 PM