Go to: Your e-Services Student Account.
You will need your StarID and password.
The Dashboard is your student account home page. Be sure to review any Action Items that you have listed.
Select: Courses & Registration (left Menu) to display blue drop down choices in this section.
Select: View/Modify Schedule (left Menu).
You can view the last date to drop and last date to withdraw for each course individually by hovering over the clock icon.
To drop/withdraw from a course, locate the "Drop/Withdraw" button (black with an x) for the course. When you hover over the black button, it will say "Drop/Withdraw." Press the "Drop/Withdraw" button.
On the next screen, enter your password and press "Drop/Withdraw."
You can verify that your transaction was successful by selecting "View/Modify Schedule."
To print a copy, select “Print Schedule” located in the upper right corner of your schedule. Press “Open” on the pop-up and a PDF copy of your schedule will be created. Press the print icon at the top of the PDF.
Need additional help?
Choose "Home" in the left menu and locate the "Help Videos" section at the right of the screen.