How Do I Put Myself on a Waitlist For a Class

​​​​​​​Go to: Your e-Services Student Account.  
You will need your StarID and password.

  1. Login.

  2. The Dashboard is your student account home page. Be sure to review any Action Items that you have listed.
  3. Choose "Search for a Course" (left menu).
    (If you choose Quick Add (Register) from the left menu and attempt to register, you will be notified if a course is full, but will not have the option to add yourself to a waitlist. You must use "Search for a Course" to be able to add yourself to a waitlist.)

  4. If the course is full, a waitlist icon will display. The icon looks like a pencil on a sheet of paper. 

  5. Choose the waitlist icon. A page will display the number of students currently on the waitlist. The very top line also indicates what email address will be used to notify you if there is an opening. 

  6. If you want to be added to the waitlist, press the submit button.

  7. Logout.
  8. Once you have added yourself to a waitlist, you will receive email notifications as you move up the list.  If you receive a notification of an opening, you will have 24 hours to respond and register.  If you miss that 24 hour deadline, you will be removed from the waitlist and the opening will be offered to the next person on the list.

  9. On the Friday before the semester begins, waitlists are turned off.  At that point, you should monitor the schedule and register immediately if you see an opening as the waitlists are no longer in place and openings are available to anyone.

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