How Do I Verify and Update My Address

Go to: Your e-Services Student Account.  
You will need your StarID and password.

Video Demonstration on how to verify/update your address

  1. Login.
  2. The Dashboard is your student account home page. Be sure to review any Action Items that you have listed.
  3. Select: Account Management (left Menu) to display blue drop down choices in this section. 

  4. Select: Address Info (left Menu).

  5. Choose "View" to verify your local address and/or your permanent address.

  6. If corrections are needed, choose "Edit" local address or "Edit" permanent address.

  7. Press the "Submit" button to complete the update.

  8. Select: Demographic Maintenance (left Menu).

  9. Enter or update demographic information, including your Minnesota West email address, e.g.,

  10. Press the "Submit" button to complete the update.

  11. Logout.

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